So I bought a 40 year old, right hand drive British car that I have very little history on. Is this thing safe for the highway? What tools do I need to have on hand? What condition is the engine in? For the first few months, I would go out to the garage and tinker on things just to get familiar with the car. Tip #1 - a Haynes manual is your friend! In the spring of 2002, my son and I took the car to the annual British Car Day in Atlanta. We had attended the previous year and I was determined to be at the event the following year in my own Mini. We made the 2 hour drive with no problems and it was a great day to be able to mingle with other Mini owners and learn from them.
After seeing so many other Minis, I was even more motivated to learn more about the car. I began thinking about the 40 year old 848cc engine. What was the condition of the motor? Had this lump every been rebuilt? Since this was a "weekend toy" I had the luxury of tearing things apart and taking my time putting things back together. Little did I know what I was getting myself into.........
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